Memorial Contributions

We are honored to have received donations in memory of loved ones listed below, which make a lasting impact on the lives of our Scholars.

For more information on how you can set up a tribute for a loved one, please contact

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In Loving Memory of…

Arthur Augustyn

James M. Bonner

Robert N. Bowen, Jr.

Anne Brinsfield

William “Bill” Campbell

Kevin J. Canavan

Richard Sean Carlin, Jr.

Jerry Case

Fred Christman

Christopher Chizauskie

Joseph E. Colen, Jr. 

Paul Crawford

D. Edward Curran

Michael Dougherty

Ernest F. Eichenberg, III

Don Eicher

Robert M. Engman

Maxwell Fisher

Leonard V. Fox, Jr.

Edward L. Frampton

Jack Gallagher

John E. Garber, Jr.

Gordon Gerber

Joseph Gill

Thomas Givnish

Robert “Bob” Graino

Robert W. Hampton

Martin Hayden

James H. Hays, M.D.

David Hudachek

Richard Lloyd Jones Jr.

John W. Jones, III

Peter Keegan

Edward Krzanowsky

James Larzalere

Mary Clay Platt Lee

Thomas M. Lerro, Sr.

Henry J. McQuiston

Oscar Mestre, Sr.

Joe Moran

James O’Brien

William (Garry) O’Rourke

Sam Parisi

Norine Pastore

Jack Pergolin

Don Phillips

Theodore “Ted” Regan, Jr.

David Roberts

Louise “Bobbie” Rose

Paul J Schimpff

Nancy Schueck

Claude Shannon

Janice Spieller

Walter H. Swayze, Jr.

Michael S. Tallent

Raymond T. Thompson

Wayne W. Thompson, Jr.

Frank Ursomarso

Neva Walsh

William T. Walsh

Elizabeth Mather Warren

Gary Zalis